Helping children of all ages and abilities to communicate.

Image for Pediatric Speech and Language Therapy

Therapists at IRG Cascade Children’s Therapy – Mill Creek use a variety of formal and informal tools and strategies to assess a child's communication development and speech and language abilities.

Areas evaluated may include:

Receptive language

  • Involving a child’s understanding and comprehension of language

Expressive language

  • Involving a child’s communication and conveying of meaning to others


  • Pronunciation of words


  • Knowledge and implementation of the “rules” governing the use of speech sounds
  • Breathing in relation to the production of speech sounds
  • Vocal production

Phonological awareness and literacy disorders

  • Phonological awareness is comprised of various foundational skills needed to read, such as recognizing phonological (sound) patterns, including rhyming, blending and segmenting sounds and syllables, and identifying initial sounds
  • Literacy disorders include difficulty with reading comprehension and decoding

Social language

  • Interpreting and conveying meaning through verbal and nonverbal interactions with others
  • Using language skills to infer, predict, interpret figurative language, and problem solve

Oral motor and feeding abilities


  • Identifying the presence of stuttering
  • Providing fluency enhancing strategies and family and child education about stuttering as well as support for the emotional impact of stuttering

Play skills

Problem-solving and executive functioning skills

  • Using language to solve problems
  • Integrating memorization, organization, planning and monitoring to execute tasks

Preverbal communication

  • Includes displays of communication not involving words (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, eye gaze)

Are you a speech therapist?

Join our team! We are looking for a full-time pediatric CCC-SLP.


Image for Pediatric Speech and Language Therapy

Therapy for communication disorders and/or delays

Our therapists work with children in a fun, comfortable and evidence-based setting. Speech-language therapy sessions focus on a child's specific needs and developmental level and may include floor play and/or table-top activities. Small group therapy may also be offered to facilitate social-communication skill growth. Therapists use a variety of strategies in treatment, which may include: